“Maybe this tim…

“Maybe this time i’ll be lucky
maybe this time he’ll stay
maybe this time for the first time
love wont hurry away
he will hold me fast
i’ll be home at last
not a loser anymore
like the last time
and the time before”
-Cabaret, Liza Minelli

“Everybody loves a winner so nobody loves me

lady peaceful lady happy

that’s what i long to be

well all the odds they’re in my favor

something’s bound to begin

it’s got to happen 

maybe this time i’ll win”

And so the song goes on and on, trying to be peaceful and happy but most of all

want i want to be is on my way home…imagining someone with whom to shop for

groceries for the weekend like the many couples i observe shopping together

leaning on eachother, consulting eachother “what shall we eat tonight?”

How long has it been since i had someone to shop with ?

Looking back it is far more of an attachment ritual to shop together for dinner than to be

together, to cuddle , anything physical people call initimate is nothing compared to

shopping together for food, planning a meal is planning a life time on  a small scale.

Watching people pass by i compare myself; there will always be someone heavier

less attractive looking but there will always be someone more attractive and more elegant

dressed, maybe the problem is that i dont care too much about what i wear but care more

about what book i am reading, what film i am watching, what thoughts pass through my mind.

I used to make an effort to talk to strangers but now i feel it is too tiring , it is like watching

a movie whose end you already know because you have read the book on which the film

is based.

Listening to Liza Minelli sing “Maybe this time” is easier than having to explain so much

this is the way things are , always making an effort …

I am thinking of all the time i spent imagining all kinds of situations but at the end of the day

as the British say, you are with people who want to be with you, not people who you

imagine to be with.

The terms “winner” and “loser” do not apply , this is not a race towards any goal.

You are the person you are and the person who chooses you will be the person who

chooses you.

Watching the world pass by, the different cultures, the Indian lady in her colorful dress,

the ladies of the west with their short short skirts and their transparent shirts

the overweight, the old, the deranged , the sad and lonely , the anticipating a meeting

girl, the young man standing arrogant and sure of himself next to his matchbox girl

all the people whom you see but who dont see you as if you are having to identify

a criminal in a police line up ..

we are not winners or loser as long as we dont use those terms to describe ourselves..

We do not live on an island

There will be people going home tonight to sleep next to someone, to hold someone

and there will be people going home alone to a bed alone, no dog , no cat, no human being

but feeling safe alone, knowing that solitude is a very stable state, there is no one to leave

no one to greet , no one to rid , just yourself and everything you want to do

nothing else

love yourself, i hear again and again, and maybe this time i will …

“something ‘s bound to begin”



About seagullsea

a seagull flying over the great ocean of life observing.
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